Focus on Math

Helping children become mathematicians!

100 DAY! April 7, 2011

Filed under: General Math,Intermediate Math Ideas & Problems,Parents — Focus on Math @ 6:19 pm
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Many elementary classes (especially primary ones K-3) celebrate the 100th day of school, which, depending on the particular school calendar, usually happens around the middle of February. I would like to propose another chance to celebrate 100 day, and that is April 10 as it is the 100th day of the calendar year (April 9 if it is leap year!).

There are many really wonderful things to do to celebrate and explore the number 100. One of my favourites is to look for words worth 100 cents or $1.00. The letters of the alphabet are assigned a value beginning with a = 1 cent, b = 2 cents, c = 3 cents, etc. (see illustration) and from there students begin to put together their words, aiming for 100. The $1.00 Word Riddle Book by Marilyn Burn is full of clues to help puzzlers of any age find some of these special words.

Here are a few clues to get you started:

* a zoo animal (at least two different ones)
* items found in a public washroom
* a fall (or Halloween) word
* a famous scientist (who had something to do with milk…)
* a particular golf club
* a number less than 50
* a place to keep memories
* a sea creature
* items worn in the winter
* a Thanksgiving word
* better than good

Looking at prefixes or suffixes can be helpful. For instance, adding -ed to a word adds 9 cents (adjusting the main target to 91 cents); adding -ing to a word adds 30 cents; and adding -s to a word adds 19 cents.

I hope you’ll try the activity with the children in your life, and be sure to post any words you find! Celebrate 100 Day!

Mathematically yours,